S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 02 STATE 085725 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/11/2038 TAGS: AEMR, ASEC, CASC, KFLO, MARR, PREL, PINR, AMGT, GG SUBJECT: TFGG01: GEORGIA TASK FORCE SITUATION REPORT NO. 6 CLASSIFIED BY: DANA MURRAY, SENIOR WATCH OFFICER, S/ES-O, REASON 1.4(D) EXPLOSIONS NEAR TBILISI; AIRPORT REMAINS OPEN --------------------------------------------- 1. (SBU) Media report up to 50 Russian planes attacked Georgia overnight. Embassy Tbilisi confirms two explosions north of the city at a military base and radar installation. A separate unsuccessful attack targeted a BP oil pipeline. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon, Reuters) 2. (SBU) Tbilisi and Batumi airports remain open. EUR DAS Bryza will arrive in Tbilisi via commercial air at 0950 EDT. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon and e-mail) RUSSIANS ENTER RACHA, CLAIM GEORGIANS SHELL TSKHINVALI ------------------------------------------------------ 3. (S) The Georgian government has firm information that Russian forces are in the region of Racha, west of South Ossetia. Georgian forces have lost command and control capabilities country-wide. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon and e-mail) 4. (SBU) Russian state media report the shelling killed three Russian "peacekeepers" and wounded 18 others. The Georgian government characterizes the reports as provocations by Russia which is seeking a pretext to escalate operations, comments Embassy Tbilisi. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi e-mail, Interfax) 5. (SBU) Russia has not agreed to a Georgian proposal to establish a corridor to Tskhinvali to evacuate wounded civilians. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon) 6. (SBU) Embassy Moscow comments the Russian disinformation campaign continues, with reports of American or NATO soldiers or insignias being found among the dead in South Ossetia and reports of "genocide." (TF/Embassy Moscow telcon) ESCALATION IN ABKHAZIA, POLICE ASKED TO TURN OVER WEAPONS ---------------------------------------------------------- 7. (SBU) Media report Russia massed more than 9,000 troops and 350 armored vehicles in Abkhazia. Embassy Tbilisi reports Georgian forces in Upper Kodori are resisting Russian advances despite heavy bombardment. In nearby Zugdidi, Russian commanders demanded local police turn over their weapons. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon, Reuters) KOUCHNER: SAAKASHVILI DETERMINED TO MAKE PEACE ----------------------------------------------- STATE 00085725 002 OF 002 8. (SBU) Embassy Tbilisi reports the French FM and Finnish FM Stubb met again with the Georgian president to finalize a cease-fire plan to take to Russia. The two plan to meet FM Lavrov August 11, notes Embassy Moscow. (TF/Embassy Tbilisi telcon, TF/Embassy Moscow telcon, Reuters) 9. (U) Minimize considered. RICE